TarHeel RoofWatch
Roofing Maintenance Programs
What is Roof Maintenance?
- Roof maintenance is, simply put, taking care of your roof on an ongoing basis.
- Our roof maintenance process provides for a proactive approach and includes the planned inspection of the roof on a regular basis and then taking care of any areas that require repair or attention.
Why Perform Roof Maintenance?
- Roof Maintenance will not only extend the life of your roof but will also save you money over the life of the roof.
- There are few items that provide a better Return on Investment (ROI) than roof maintenance.
- Roof Maintenance is an integral component of a fiscally responsible facility management plan.
- Our RoofWatch Maintenance programs are comprised of affordable roof asset management processes designed to minimize the life cycle costs of your weather protection and roofing systems.
- Our typical maintenance program cost will often be less than 1% per year of the roofs replacement cost.
- Our programs start as low as 3 cents per square foot.
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What are some of the benefits of performing Roof Maintenance?
- Ensures that your roofing warranty is not voided by the roofing system manufacturer for non-compliance with owner responsible maintenance items.
- Minimizes roof leakage and subsequent disruptions and downtime as well as the resulting intangible expenses
- Protects the very expensive asset that is your roof.
- Ensures that your roof reaches its expected life expectancy
- Extends, usually substantially, the life of your roof
- Identifies small problems before they become big (expensive) problems
- Provides a superior ROI since our RoofWatch Maintenance processes cost only pennies per square foot per year.
- Provides for expedited roof leak repairs and services should they occur (AT LEAST OUR PROGRAMS DO!)
Did you know that:
- Roof systems do require maintenance if you hope to realize the roof systems expected service life.
- Most roofing systems that are properly maintained often exceed their expected service life.
- A common misperception is that all new roofing systems will perform as expected and nothing further needs to be done to achieve that performance.
Unfortunately, that is usually not the case. While roof system maintenance is not exactly the same as changing the oil in your car on a regular basis the concept is the same.
- A roof has more moving parts than most people realize.
- Temperature changes create movement in the system by means of thermal expansion and contraction. This movement can create stress points and cause roofing systems to crack, split or create conditions that will expose the system to moisture intrusion and cause a roof leak.
- The roof is subjected to harsh and extreme weather conditions on a regular basis which can cause breaches to the system.
- Workers on the roof (AC/HVAC, Solar, etc) routinely damage roofing surfaces and flashing while working on rooftop mounted equipment.
- In short, the abuse and other adverse conditions that a roof is routinely subjected to can seriously shorten its useful service life and cause leaks or other problems.
- Your roofing system is likely the most expensive, recurring expense for your building or facility.
Roofing Warranties – How can preventative maintenance ensure that my warranty is not cancelled?
- Almost all roofing system manufacturers that provide extended warranties covering labor and / or materials have a clause within the warranty document that requires the owner to provide care and maintenance to their roof system.
- In the event of a warranty claim, one of the first actions taken by most manufacturers is to ask for proof that the owners required maintenance has been performed.
- If the owner has not complied with the warranty criteria and cannot provide this proof there is a very good chance that the claim will be denied by the warranty provider.
- This scenario is a common occurrence.
- If the manufacturer’s warranty is voided the owner will assume all risks associated with the roof, including not only roof leaks but also replacement costs in the event of a complete roof failure.
Our RoofWatch program provides the documentation that the owner has in fact met their warranty obligations, thus ensuring that their claim is not denied solely based upon this technicality.
How we provide expedited service to address roof leakage for our RoofWatch Clients
Have you ever placed a call to another roofing company to request a repair for a roof leak only to be told that the wait time could be weeks?
There are many causes for this, but much of the time it just boils down to this:
- Most roof leaks occur only when it rains, creating tremendous demand at one time.
- Most roofing companies do not have the resources (dedicated service departments/available personnel) available to respond to this concentrated demand.
- Therefore it is a simple matter of demand (roof leaks) exceeding supply (qualified personnel to repair roof leaks).
Our RoofWatch clients do not experience this problem. Recognizing this supply and demand problem we have devised and implemented our proprietary processes which allow us to resolve response time problems and address our client’s needs in a timely manner.
Our concept is pretty simple:
- We bring your roofing system up to a manageable & serviceable condition.
- The roof is then placed on one of our RoofWatch Maintenance Programs where planned inspections are performed and steps are taken to proactively correct any deficiencies found during the inspection process.
- This simple but effective process brings the roofing system up to a manageable condition thereby reducing or completely eliminating the vast majority of leakage events.
- In the event of a leakage call, RoofWatch clients are our top priority and receive expedited service with guaranteed response times.
That is how we handle tremendous demand for our clients…..we minimize and eliminate potential leakage by being proactive and taking care of small problems before they become bigger problems.
So, even though our concept is simple, implementation of this process is what sets us apart.
Our proprietary processes, along with our commitment to their implementation, follow through and attention to details, are integral to our success.
Our systems work.
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RoofWatch – Disaster Response / Emergency Services
As a result of almost 40 years of experience dealing with hurricanes, tornadoes, hail and other natural disasters, TarHeel has developed a Disaster Response and Emergency Services Plan to address these events.
This plan included the development of an emergency preparedness response team to identify potential emergency events, identify clients who could be affected by these events, devise plans to access the affected areas and methods to address any damages that could result.
Once an emergency event takes place, we have dedicated emergency response teams that will investigate the onsite damages, devise solutions and address the problems.
Our goal is to mitigate the damages as soon as possible. Typically this entails providing temporary measures to get the building covered up and “in the dry” as quickly as we can.
- RoofWatch clients are eligible to participate in our Disaster and Emergency Services Program.
- Our RoofWatch clients are pre-registered in our database with any special needs or considerations identified.
- In the event of a natural disaster or other crisis our disaster response teams are ready to respond to these events and will be there to help you.
- Our primary command and communication center is located in a secure building well above flood levels with power generators to ensure continuity in the event of power outages.
- Additionally, all information is backed up and readily available in the event of widespread emergency event.
- These programs provide for a priority response in the event of a natural disaster or other crisis event.
RoofWatch – Roof Watch Client Discounts
- Our RoofWatch clients receive discounted service rates for service calls and related work.
- These rates are discounted from our most recently published service rate charges.
Please contact us to learn more about our RoofWatch Maintenance Programs.