Safety is more than a buzz word at TarHeel. Our corporate commitment to safety is absolute.
All personnel, from top management to entry level employee, are required to participate 100% in our safety programs and processes.
This commitment to safety extends from our offices to our job sites and all spaces in between where ensuring a safe working environment, for not only our employees but all others that could be impacted by our operations, is paramount.
All employees are required to complete an extensive indoctrination safety training before they ever set foot out in the workplace.
Thereafter, safety training is held at least every week, with attendance being mandatory. Specific safety training is provided for high risk or known safety hazards. Sign in sheets and logs are maintained for proof of compliance purposes.
Due to the amount of work that we perform in industrial/manufacturing facilities, Department of Defense facilities and bases, US Postal Service facilities and other markets where strict safety protocols are required, we maintain many specific safety certifications that are over and above those required by most clients.
Assessment and Monitoring
In addition to our standard safety protocols and procedures, each project is reviewed for specific hazards and a site specific safety plan is devised and implemented.
Each project has a pre-construction meeting prior to its start and the safety plan or other safety concerns are mandatory topics. Known hazards are addressed and specific implementation planning is reviewed.
Job sites are routinely visited without notice by our management and safety personnel to evaluate safety compliance. Additionally, we coordinate surprise site visits with our Risk Management partners to conduct safety audits. All results are reviewed with field personnel and modifications addressed as needed.
Constant vigilance is required to minimize risk and to ensure that a safe environment is maintained for everyone.
TarHeel’s workplace safety factor/experience modifier is currently .72.
This factor is one of the lowest and best available within our industry and reflects our total and complete corporate commitment to safety.
We are often told by clients that we have the most comprehensive safety program that they have ever seen.
Even so, improvements can always be made and we work hard at making sure that we never lose sight of that.
We are acutely aware that it only takes one lapse or a moment of inattention for an accident to happen.
Our number one priority is to ensure that each and every one of our employees returns home safely at the end of every day.
TarHeel takes the safety of our employees very seriously.